Times quick cryptic 2412. I missed three clues on a first read through of the acrosses (8, 10, 21), which made for a lot of biffing come the downs, and the grid layout seemed to help with this. Times quick cryptic 2412

 I missed three clues on a first read through of the acrosses (8, 10, 21), which made for a lot of biffing come the downs, and the grid layout seemed to help with thisTimes quick cryptic 2412  I knew I was in for a workout when I only had 6 clues after 5 minutes, and it was a full 20 minutes more before I put in my last answer, which I didn’t manage to parse until I was writing the explanation for the answer

My favourite is 18ac for the craftily hidden definition and excellent surface reading. 6. Washington Post Crossword : Access free daily crosswords, mini meta crosswords, and Sunday Crosswords without a. Times Quick Cryptic No 1658 by Pedro . It's got a whole bunch of crossword staples that you either know or you don't, (LING, IDE, ELL) which makes me think the less experienced solvers might struggle. Times Quick Cryptic 2016 by Breadman. Solutions. Times Quick Cryptic 2410 by Myles. Clues. Here are the answers to the Times Quick Cryptic No 2412 in the London Times on June 7, 2023 Some slightly unusual vocab in this QC from Orpheus, but nothing that is out of reach for most of us, and a good mix of clues. 8 Snowstorm initially battering reptile, it’s said (8) BLIZZARD = B + homophone of LIZARD. Here are the answers to the Times Quick Cryptic No 2112 in the London Times on April 13, 2022. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. 68. The puzzles were challenging and soon caught the interest of the. Sign in to Save Favorite Dictionary Crossword Clues: NUMBER: ANSWER: CLUE: 1A: 5 letters: One dressed in purple finding old javelin: 4A: 7 letters: Most obscure desk art rubbished: Advertisement. I found myself taking an unusual clockwise route round the grid. 100 puzzles from The Times adapting the cryptic puzzle for. There are a couple of. Here are the answers to the Times Quick Cryptic No 2312 in the London Times on January 18, 2023ZEBRA CROSSING – Two facts about the answer linked together in an &Lit clue, where the whole clue provides the definition. jackkt 3rd July 2023 at 1:00 AM Quick Cryptic. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. Click search. Aug. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. Alternate spelling of LOATHE LOATH, I believe. Clues Answers; One brought in top suit — hearts — to win: TRIUMPH: Self-absorbed, say, with wild conceit about source of reputation:Queen, possibly, making regular use of craft (3) CAT. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. Hello again. I missed three clues on a first read through of the acrosses (8, 10, 21), which made for a lot of biffing come the downs, and the grid layout seemed to help with this. 5. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. 3. 8A:Times Quick Cryptic 2017 by Hurley. After a few easier outings over the last few weeks, Izetti is back to stretch us. A lovely old-fashioned phrase that I will try to incorporate into my active vocabulary. Solving time: 9 minutes. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. Average difficulty and dead-on par 6 minutes for me. Clues. jackkt. DNF: off to a good start with the first four acrosses going in, but things went south fairly quickly from there. About 8 minutes to get to those last three (9ac, 5d and 7d), before throwing in the towel at the 12 minute mark for 7d. Going down hard, object’s losing height (7) SETTING – SET (hard, as in concrete that is no longer liquid) + THING minus H for height. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. Coffee and some alcohol at terminal (5) LATTE - "some" alcohoL AT TErminal. Please update your billing details here. A new series of 100 puzzles from The Times adapting the cryptic puzzle for those with a hectic lifestyle and schedule. Most of the words are pretty well known, at least in Crosswordland, although BUTTERFINGERS, and the elements that lead to it, might be slightly…Quick Cryptic 2434 by Breadman. Link | Reply | Thread | (Anonymous) Oct. Times Quick Cryptic 2012 by Mara . For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. Much loved by small children and drunken students. S. These crosswords became popular by the name The Times Quick Cryptic Crossword when it was introduced in March 2014. For a while I thought the latter could easily have been “Bear” — (double definition of “attention needed” and “after weight put on”) — but I guessed I may have been complicating things and adopted for the simpler answer. Click search. One at the gentle end of the scale from Alex today, as shown by my time of 9:07, which is very fast for me. LAD. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. Girl around island back for crop producing fibre. This was a fine puzzle - thanks Oran - a little on the harder side, Id say. 22nd, 2021 at 12:06 AM. Hello again. 21. The times group has a wide variety of puzzles for its users and of that collection, the most interesting and engaging ones are their cryptic crosswords. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. 28th, 2017 08:55 pm (UTC) DNF. Answers. MINION. Two minutes at the end spent staring at 13d took me to 11 minutes, and there were a few trickier bits along the way after what initially seemed like a gentle enough puzzle. The puzzles were challenging and soon caught the interest of the. Where you may see England and Australia declare. 7A: 6 letters:Times Quick Cryptic No 1823 by Hurley . Answers. French in luck having missed initial boost. 16:46. X. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. Times Cryptic Jumbo 1553 - 30 April 2022. Leave a coat (5) PARKA - PARK (leave your car, for example) A. Bad weather to spoil finale of wordy prayer. And for 21 across I was thinking of a dainty sound, such as a tut. During those early days, the puzzle was released only five day a week with the aim to create an interest among the people for crossword solving. I was slow to get started with very few across clues yielding an answer on a first pass, but the downs got me going. astartedon. Times Quick Cryptic No 2442 by Izetti. Not sure what to make of this. Overall though I didn’t think this was unreasonably difficult and the ones that held me up at the end, the crossing 10a and 2d, turned out to be quite gentle. Keeping busy: Printable Sunday puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku. Across. Click search. Wells, that is. All good fun - many thanks to Hurley!. A very fine and possibly straightforward offering today, by Grumpy, whose pseudonym belies the subtle humour in the puzzle. Once you know that, with “regular” meaning “every other letter”, the answer falls out of C r A f T. 3 Insert spring into lock for unlawful entry (8) TRESPASS = SPA in TRESS. Another difficult QC: I was nearly four minutes over target, which was nearly four minutes quicker than yesterday's, done just beforehand. I needed 13 minutes to crack this one and my first reaction on completion was to write 'hard' on my print-out, however having written the blog I have no idea what delayed me, as on reflection most of it should have been absolutley. After time regular outlay needed for river. For a while I thought the latter could easily have been “Bear” — (double definition of “attention needed” and “after weight put on”) — but I guessed I may have been complicating things and adopted for the simpler answer. A rare sub-10 minutes for me for this Mara. The Crossing of the Rubicon on January 10, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War, which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator and the rise of the imperial era of Rome. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. On the gentler side of things today from Breadman. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. The times group has a wide variety of puzzles for its users and of that collection, the most interesting and engaging ones are their cryptic crosswords. rolytoly. 26th, 2020 at 1:30 AM; times_xwd_times jackkt. 23rd, 2021 at 7:30 AM. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. Daily easy, quick and cryptic crosswords puzzles. Nov. rolytoly 15th June 2023 at 2:03 AM Quick Cryptic. Solving time: 16 minutes with one wrong answer at 12ac. 0 Ratings 0 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; Times Quick Cryptic Crossword Book 1. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. These crosswords became popular by the name The Times Quick Cryptic Crossword when it was introduced in March 2014. Feel free to leave any. Author Excurarist Posted on 17th March 2023 at 3:00 AM 14 March 2023 Categories Quick Cryptic. Beloved costing a lot of money. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. 13. Apr. Interesting solve, with any tricky wordplay generally compensated by biffability, e. It’s a STRETCH to make a NINA of today’s puzzle, but the ceremony was HEART RENDING and I now have a new SON, who looked a little ILL. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. Faint expression of petulance when idiot enters. Merlin 30th May 2023 at 2:03 AM Quick Cryptic. Times Cryptic Jumbo 1553 - 30 April 2022. Today we have another milestone as we reach Quick Cryptic #2000 and it's fitting that it should be set by Des as he was responsible for the very first puzzle published on 10th March 2014. I had to write out the anagrist for 12d, but everything else was. 95 9 Used from $7. 8 minutes for me. Times Quick Cryptic No 1908 by Breadman . Times Quick Cryptic No 1862 by Marty . For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. One at the gentle end of the scale from Alex today, as shown by my time of 9:07, which is very fast for me. 4. The puzzles were challenging and soon caught the interest of the. Comments on: Times Quick Cryptic No 2442 by Izetti. MUSTERED – sounds like ‘Mustard’. A good chunk of the clues were write-ins, but I got bogged down by a chewy SW corner. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. Nick hit the nail on the proverbial: most enjoyable, refreshing, something a bit different. Sailor posted away. Particular difficulties for me were 17ac (where the answer and parsing…Times Quick Cryptic 2027 by Oink. Times Cryptic 28698 – Sat, 2 Sept 2023. I really enjoyed this puzzle from Hurley, completing it in just under 12 minutes, but there are some traps along the way. A bit of a slow start with 10A being my FOI, but, apart from an initial miscue at 1D, I got through this without further mishap in just over 5 minutes. See solutions for Times Quick Cryptic No 2239 crossword puzzleTimes Quick Cryptic No 2063 by Wurm . $13. 30th, 2021 at 1:30 AM. Solutions A brief summary of cryptic crosswords feel free to skip : Each clue has at least one…The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1669; July 31 2020. Jan. This is labelled ‘quick’ and most posters have a fair idea what that means on the basis of the wide range of puzzles under this label over the last two-and-a-half thousand. A few trickily disguised definitions caused me a bit of head-scratching. BARD = BAD around R. Challenge yourself with the latest Times Cryptic Crossword or scroll down to access previous puzzles. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. I'd say this was pitched at middling difficulty today from Orpheus, but I was held to two minutes over target with a tip-of-the-tongue moment (or two) at 20ac and then a longer pause at the clever bit of misdirection at 5ac. A bit chewy in places because of some slightly stretched definitions. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. Click search. QC 2406 by Teazel. Click search. About The Times Cryptic Crossword. Merlin 7th March 2023 at 1:39 AM Quick Cryptic. Leave a comment. But some of the parsing seems a little imprecise: I’m looking at you, ANY OLD HOW, and you, TOP DRAWER, and you, FANCY DRESS. I think that my COD is 1a (I may have been influenced by a liking for the answers products), and this was also my FOI. Briefly woo typist who won’t be there long? TEMP. 16 June 2023 at 8:06 PM. Quick Cryptic 2461 by Izetti. . Click search. Judge in predicament before boarding plane. 21. Offenbach was born in Germany and became a French citizen. There might be some sort of Nina going on, too – A to F down the first column, then GOLF which of. Fruit dessert to arrive without. Agent sat out to vegetate. Fortunately I seemed to be tuned in at the…Across: 1: Information to pass to defender? (8) FEEDBACK - FEED (pass to) BACK (defender, e. Click search. As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics. '. Down: 1: What’s near to hand, fixing the time? (10) WATCHSTRAP - cryptic definition: 2: Bit of rope [in] the bay (5): BIGHT - double definition Didn't know the first definition. TRENT. The results will be in the highest-ranking order. Though the wine should have an accent so it isn’t really. Quite a gentle one for a Friday from Mara today, if my time is anything to go by…. Quick Cryptic 1974 by Hurley . 8D was a new word for me and my LOI was 5D. 15. Enter your clue into the clue box and 7 question marks into the letter/pattern box. A very good puzzle for learning the basics of cryptic clues, with lots of anagram indicators, included words, some double meanings – thanks to Teazel. Times Quick Cryptic No 2463 by Pedro. On the tricky side, I thought and my time of 7:25 is my slowest for 4 weeks. A quick Google highlights that the U.